A Study on Role of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) as a Catalyst to Marketing Function at Organisations


  • Jeet Desai Student, MBA, 1st Year (Marketing), DYPIMR, Pune, Affiliated to SPPU, Pune, India
  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey Associate Professor, SSR IMR, Silvassa, Permanently Affiliated to SPPU, Pune, India




marketing, marketing communication, advertisements, sales promotion


Marketing function accommodates several sub-functions and one of such premium sub-functions is Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). IMC is one of the primary forces towards Marketing Management. The Organizations necessarily focus on promoting their offerings and creating awareness about the same constantly. The Consumer expects a certain level of awareness in order to express their purchasing behaviour. IMC supports in such action development. IMC is the attempt by the Organization towards reaching to the potential customers through several ways like Advertisements, Sales Promotion, Direct marketing, Publicity, Corporate Communication, Personal Selling etc. All such efforts lead to support the overall marketing functions. A need recognized in the market leads to development of product which requires better approach at the market leading to its acceptance. IMC acts as catalyst to marketing function.

The current study is Descriptive in nature conducted by the help of Secondary Data. The authors aim to understand Essence & Significance of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) for Organizations. It authors further aim to study the role of IMC as a catalyst to Marketing Function at Organization. The authors have extended a recommendation towards developing an IMC plan for the Organizations at large. The study encompasses the domain of IMC and its related benefits for the Organizations at large.The study inferences are limited to the theoretical understanding and secondary sources data. The inferences are indicative in nature, not exhaustive.


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How to Cite

Jeet Desai, & Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey. (2024). A Study on Role of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) as a Catalyst to Marketing Function at Organisations. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 4(4), 121–127. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13824764