Analysis of Challenges of the Medical Supply Chain – A Case of Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency
essential medicines, efficiency, primary health care, inventory, supply chainAbstract
Medical supply chains play a vital role in delivering essential health commodities and ensuring the availability of medicines and medical supplies, especially in developing countries. Recent technological, organizational, and economic advancements in healthcare systems have provided increased access to treatment for patients. Therefore, the availability of the right medicine with the right composition for the right patient in the right quantity at the right time is essential for the patient’s safety and recovery. This paper aims to analyse the supply chain operations of the Zambia Medical Stores (ZAMMSA). The study adopted a descriptive study design and employed a mixed research approach. The population comprised of Third-Party Logistics providers, ZAMMSA facilities supported by Third-Party Logistics partners and the health facilities. The study used simple random sampling technique and data was collected with the help of structured questionnaires. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis while qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. The study revealed that, there are persistent operational challenges like procurement delays, incomplete tracking visibility, and inadequate storage capacities. The study also revealed that, strengthened communication channels, collaborative regulatory compliance efforts, contingency planning for disruptions, feedback mechanisms on product issues, transportation route optimization and provider training were the main strategies needed for improving challenges at each supply chain stage.
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