A Study on Women Entrepreneurship Development in India and Contemporary Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs


  • Shivangi Singh Assistant Professor, Smt. Devkiba Mohansinhji Chauhan, College of Com. & Sc., Silvassa, Affiliated to University of Mumbai, India
  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey Associate Professor, SSR IMR, Silvassa, Permanently Affiliated to SPPU, Pune, India




women entrepreneurship development, contemporary challenges of women entrepreneurs, avenues of women entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship, women entrepreneur, entrepreneurial avenue


Entrepreneurship is embedded with the power innovation, creativity and inner satisfaction of contributing to the society. The Entrepreneurs are referred to be the soldiers of Society. The Gender divide is gradually getting narrower as the Women are entering the field of entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurship is an economic activity of those women who think of a business enterprise, initiate it, organize and combine the factors of production, operate the enterprise and undertake risks and handle economic uncertainty involved in running a business enterprise. As per the independent study in 2022-23 by the www.gemconsortium.org, globally, one in six women reported an intention to start a business in the near future. The highest entrepreneurial intention rates were observed in low-income countries, where approximately 28% of women expressed intentions to start a business. The journey for women entrepreneurs is not without challenges. Access to capital, societal biases against women in leadership roles, and lack of support system from family, society can create significant hurdles.

The Current study is an Exploratory & Descriptive study conducted with the help of massively secondary data and Primary Data in the form of Interview Method. The Authors have Interviewed TWO Women Entrepreneurs to collect the view points on the theme of the study. The Study aims to understand the status of Women Entrepreneurship Development in India. It further aims to identify the Contemporary Challenges experienced by Women Entrepreneurs and enlist the emerging avenues of Women Entrepreneurship in Indian context. The authors have extended recommendations in the form of a Model for nurturing of Women Entrepreneurship. The Authors have considered the Women Entrepreneurship as a generalized study with specifics related to the selected Women Entrepreneur Interviews. The Theme of the study may have various other elements associated like specific sector, specific region etc. to study, which haven’t been touched, hence this may be a limitation of the study as the inferences are indicative in nature rather exhaustive.


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How to Cite

Shivangi Singh, & Pandey, R. K. (2024). A Study on Women Entrepreneurship Development in India and Contemporary Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 4(4), 50–57. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13291583