Change Agility: A Paradigm of Change Acceptance for Organization Sustainability
change acceptance, change agility, change management, organization sustainabilityAbstract
In today’s business, the concept of change agility has become essential for an organization’s growth and survival. Change agility in an organization is about quickly adjusting and reacting to the changing needs of the business environment. Numerous experts point out that organizations that adapt to change agility focus more on creation and innovation through collaboration, resulting in organizational sustainability as a competitive advantage. The study’s key objective was to identify research gaps in change agility that needed further attention. This paper provides a comprehensive theoretical perspective that adds to the literature on change agility for organizational sustainability. The literature review was carried out using desk and digital research methods, and the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) approach was applied as the main method for data collection. An extensive review of scholarly articles published between 2000 and 2023 in the fields of change agility, change acceptance, and organizational sustainability was undertaken. Primarily, 110 articles were examined, and out of those, 72 were systematically reviewed. Through the analysis of previous studies on change agility and organizational sustainability, the researcher identified five main types of research gaps: knowledge, empirical, theoretical, contextual, and practical knowledge gaps. It’s important to note that there’s a clear lack of information in academic studies about what makes change agility unique and how it connects with different theories. The concepts of change agility for change acceptance remain largely unexplored in various disciplines. This paper suggests that more studies need to be carried out on change agility by identifying its dimensions, measurement, and methodologies, and aligning with the concept of organizational sustainability.
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