Systematic Literature Review: On Green Innovation
green innovation, research gaps, systematic literature reviewAbstract
Green innovations (GI) help reduce the negative impact on the environment. Because of their dynamic activities and resulting in more economic performance, customers are willing to pay the premium price for environmental health products. Hence, GI is an important tool for businesses to increase their market share and sustainability. The objective of this article is to identify research gaps in green Innovation and to discuss future implications. This study used the systematic literature review (SLR) methodology and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Following the predetermined inclusion criteria, 60 articles from the Google Scholar and databases, were included for review as the findings research gaps were identified namely theoretical gaps, thematic area gaps (empirical gaps) contextual gaps, and methodological gaps. Further, it provides some theoretical and future research implications. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on green innovation by addressing significant knowledge gaps. This knowledge contributes to future researchers designing and carrying out a study to fill these identified research gaps and practitioners who need to benefit from an understanding of the different aspects of GI.
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