Diversified Work Environment – A Challenge for Workplace Manager


  • Dr. Prithvi Raj Sanyal Associate Professor, HOD, Department of Management and Commerce, Shriram Institute of Management and Technology, Kashipur, India
  • Sunita Kumari Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Shriram Institute of Management and Technology, Kashipur, India
  • Dr. Kartikey Bhardwaj Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Shriram Institute of Management and Technology, Kashipur, India




psychology, individual differences, challenges, workplace, manager


Uniqueness is the law of nature. Two individuals are not alike. This law has a great impact on business organization’s work environment. It’s a big challenge to deal with number of individual & group differences at workplace. In this process number of challenges arise such as; staying humble, giving individual recognition, overcoming anger, dealing with anxiety, developing the attitude of acceptance, gender gap, generation gap, inspiring others and accommodating various beliefs. It requires knowledge of psychological aspects of human nature, a good understanding with the individuals, sense of humanity, involvement of informal groups for promoting friendly environment at workplace.   The focus of this study is to find out the various challenges arising due to individual differences of number of person from different economic, social, cultural background come together for a common purpose, there are chances of mutual disagreement. It creates disturbance at workplace.  If individual differences are not dealt with in a proper manner, it can cause heavy burden to a business organization. So, right action should be taken at right time. So the manager’s role becomes more challenging while dealing with individual and group behavior. Despite this diversity in race, age, gender, native language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation and communication style at the workplace, there should be acceptance, respect for each other and team spirit.


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How to Cite

Raj Sanyal, P., Sunita Kumari, & Bhardwaj, K. (2022). Diversified Work Environment – A Challenge for Workplace Manager. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 2(5), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.54741/mjar.2.5.3