Optimized and Efficient Authentication in VANET using Blockchain


  • Shrinivas Khedkar Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and IT, VJTI, Mumbai, India
  • Ronik Mahajan M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Engineering and IT, VJTI, Mumbai, India




vanet, blockchain, manet, authentication


Vehicle ad hoc networks (VANETs) are the most exciting area of research in smart transport systems as they provide convenience and safety information to drivers. However, VANET's unique features make security, privacy, and trust management promising issues in the design of VANETs. It is a challenging problem to provide an effective anonymous authentication system in ad hoc vehicle networks (VANETs) with low computational cost. Blockchain technology in VANET offers a decentralized, secure, and reliable database, which is maintained by the network node. Earlier, vehicle authentication is performed whenever the vehicle enters the RSU range. In this paper, authentication will be done if a vehicle fails to travel a certain distance. This decreased number of authentications and time required for it leads to an increase in the efficiency of the system.


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How to Cite

Shrinivas Khedkar, & Ronik Mahajan. (2022). Optimized and Efficient Authentication in VANET using Blockchain. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 2(4), 35–41. https://doi.org/10.54741/mjar.2.4.6