Alternative Tourism Paving Way for Destination Development - A Study of Kullu Manali


  • Chitra Kapoor Ph.D. Research Scholar, IVS, Department of Tourism, Himachal Pradesh University, India
  • Prof. Sushma Rewal Chugh Institute of Vocational (Tourism) Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India



alternative tourism, kullu-manali, destination development, sustainability


This study examines how alternative tourism helps to build destinations, with a particular emphasis on Kullu-Manali as a case study. Using a multifaceted methodology, the study seeks to thoroughly analyse the constituents of alternative tourism in this region. The study includes a SWOT analysis—a review of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats —of alternative tourism in Kullu-Manali to provide light on the current state of Alternative tourism in the region.

Furthermore, the study explores tourists' perspectives on alternative tourism in Kullu Manali, using survey data to identify the activities that are popular, interest locations, and liking for alternative activities. The results show that respondents had a good understanding of alternative tourism, with hiking, camping, and white-water rafting standing out as the most popular activities. These observations highlight the potential of alternative tourism to draw tourists while also advancing the destination's sustainable growth.

The study uses observations and interviews as part of a qualitative research approach to determine Kullu Manali's potential for alternative tourism. To provide insights that might direct sustainable destination development in the Kullu Manali region, this study paper looks at the elements of alternative tourism, comprehends visitor viewpoints, and makes recommendations.


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How to Cite

Kapoor, C., & Chugh, S. R. (2024). Alternative Tourism Paving Way for Destination Development - A Study of Kullu Manali. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 4(5), 11–17.