Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technology on HR Practices in Indian IT Companies


  • Dr. B. Sankar Naik Associate Professor & HOD, Department of MBA, Viswam Engineering College, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India



artificial intelligence, machine language, human resource management


Artificial Intelligence is an emerging technology that enables machines to think, understand, and perform tasks previously carried out by humans. Artificial intelligence is serving IT companies to make better, faster decisions. AI technologies provide substantial potential to advance functions in Human Resource Management. With using AI technology, organizations are able to improve existing performance and day to day functions.
This research paper is descriptive in nature. The researcher used secondary data collected from research papers, publications, websites, and HR blogs, etc. The main objective of this study is examining the role of artificial intelligence in the HR department, understanding the challenge in the HRM department and also to investigate the effect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Human Resources (HR) practices in Indian IT Companies. The research study has concluded that the role of AI is larger into various functions carried out in the human resource department whereby robotics companies can handle all HR operations, analyzing the data, collecting the data, reducing workload at the workplace and improving workplace efficiency.



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How to Cite

Naik, B. S. (2024). Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technology on HR Practices in Indian IT Companies. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 4(3), 1–5.


