Factors Influencing Employers’ Reluctance to Hire Differently Abled People in Lusaka’s Selected Private Companies


  • Annie Nachivula Graduate School of Business, University of Zambia, Zambia




differently-abled persons, employers, factors, hire, influencing, private company, reluctant


The exclusion of persons with disabilities from economic activities does not only impact negatively the individuals and their families but also the entire nation. As such, it is essential to ensure that all persons, including persons with disabilities, have equal opportunities to become productive and contributing members of their societies to ensure poverty reduction and equitable development. The study aimed to investigate attributive factors to employers’ reluctance to hire differently-abled people in selected private companies in Lusaka. Specific objectives were: to investigate factors attributed to employers’ reluctance to hire persons with disability and to investigate the challenges persons with disabilities encounter when searching for employment. A mixed-method study design was adopted. The study had a total sample size of one-hundred and sixty-three (163). This included one hundred and nineteen (119) employers from the private sector, thirty-five (35) persons with disability, and nine (9) actors/representatives for various associations. Simple random and snowball sampling techniques were used to select 119 employers. Non-probability sampling techniques: convenience and judgment were used to select 35 persons with disability and nine actors. Mixed questions questionnaires were administered to employers; semi-structured interviews were held with actors and five focus group discussions were conducted with differently-abled people. Additionally, data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and through the identification of common themes and codes. Findings of the research show that employers cited high job demands, lack of employable skills, and unawareness of the law among others to be factors influencing their reluctance to hire persons with disabilities. On the other hand, differently abled persons mentioned negative attitudes, inaccessible physical buildings, lack of formal qualifications or skills, weak laws and lack of support from family members as major barriers they encounter when searching for employment. Recommendations given are: Bridge the disconnection, intensify awareness campaigns, and highlight success stories.


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How to Cite

Nachivula, A. (2024). Factors Influencing Employers’ Reluctance to Hire Differently Abled People in Lusaka’s Selected Private Companies. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 4(2), 146–158. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11159928


