Evaluating Women Participation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among MSME’s in Zambia; A Case Study of CBD, Lusaka
women participation, micro, small, and medium enterprises, information and communication technologyAbstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate women participation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Zambia; a case study of the Central Business District (CBD) of Lusaka. Employing a mixed-methods research approach, the study carried out comprehensive analysis of the data sourced from questionnaires and interviews in which the respondents were females running a business in Lusaka. The findings illustrate the prevalence of women’s participation in ICT, identifies the factors influencing women involvement in ICT and the strategies that can be used to promote participation among women MSMEs in ICT. The study used the Technological-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework as the conceptual framework. Using this theory, the author formulated variables under the categories; economic factors, socio-cultural factors, educational factors and the policy interventions from the government. The analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27. The results of the study revealed that there are few women participating in ICT domain among MSME’s in Lusaka. The study further showed that 24.7% of the females operated micro enterprises while 75.3% are operating as small enterprises and none are operating as medium enterprises as per definition provided in the MSME’s development policy of 2008. Some of the factors that were identified as affecting the participation of women in ICT among MSMEs according to the study include limited access to necessary equipment, lack of empowerment, and lack of public understanding of the industry by the public. The study recommended promoting STEM education among women, promoting mentorship programs and for the government to increase funding towards empowering women that want to establish businesses in the ICT sector.
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