An Analysis of Female Graduates Social Entrepreneurship in Zambia
social entrepreneurship, personal attitude, subjective norm, perceived behaviour control, prior entrepreneurship exposure and prior experienceAbstract
The study was undertaken among female university graduates in Zambia to analyze aspects of social entrepreneurship intention. The emergence of social entrepreneurship as a worthwhile approach for alleviating social problems and that women are more prone to social entrepreneurship, while universities offer entrepreneurship courses, motivated the study. Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour was used in the study. It assessed personal attitude, subjective norm, perceived behaviour control, prior entrepreneurship exposure and prior experience as predictors of social entrepreneurship intention among female university graduates in Zambia. Using the mixed methods design, a sample of 500 female graduate students was randomly derived and answered the Entrepreneurial Intentions Questionnaire (EIQ). Analysis by hierarchical multiple regression at 95% confidence level and p-value significant at 0.05, revealed that all the models were significant. Prediction of SEI among female Zambian university graduates was strongest when the variables of variables of PA, SN, PBC, PEE and PE were considered together. The study is consistent with Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour. Recommendations are made to government, educational institutions to adopt strategies to inspire SE.
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