Effects of Zambia Revenue Authority Non-Intrusive Scanner Machines on Tax Compliance in Zambia: A Case of the Kapiri Mposhi Weigh Bridge


  • Japau Banda Graduate School of Business, University of Zambia, Zambia
  • Dr. Chaste Nsama Graduate School of Business, University of Zambia, Zambia




nonintrusive scanners, revenues, tax compliance, zambia revenue authority, quality, impact


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Zambia revenue Authority Non-Intrusive Scanner machines on tax compliance in Zambia-Case study Kapiri Mposhi weigh Bride. It was against this background that this study was conducted to determine the effects of Zambia revenue Authority Non-Intrusive Scanner machines on tax compliance in Zambia-Case study Kapiri Mposhi weigh Bride. The study adopted a descriptive case study design and targeted 110 respondents composed of 10 custom officers and 100 passersby trucks at kapiri weigh bride. The results of the study revealed that out of the 110 respondents from this research, 77 respondents which represented 77% responded that, scanner machines have great impact on revenue collection. The association between non-intrusive scanners and revenue increase was found to be significant with p values (0.027<0.05). There was also a difference in the revenues collected before and after, and since the revenues collected after the introduction of non-intrusive scanners machines has positive coefficient in relation to the revenues collected before the introduction of non-intrusive scanners machines, it was then concluded that non-intrusive scanners have a positive effect on total revenue collected.

The findings pointed out that non-intrusive scanner machines are effective when there is consistency in their operation while scanner downtime was found to affect revenue collection strongly on the negative way. Despite some inconsistencies the results obtained from this study revealed that many taxpayers want the non-intrusive scanner machines to continue being used as the solution to the delayed traffic at the weigh bridge. It was recommended that the number of scanners to be increased to cover more trucks as well as reducing congestion at the scanning unit and delays.


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How to Cite

Banda, J., & Nsama, C. (2024). Effects of Zambia Revenue Authority Non-Intrusive Scanner Machines on Tax Compliance in Zambia: A Case of the Kapiri Mposhi Weigh Bridge. Management Journal for Advanced Research, 4(1), 129–136. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10805690