There is a standard normal distribution for the components, with a mean of 0.0 and a standard deviation of 1.0.
The practises of Indian managers in risk management can be better understood through the examination of primary data gathered from a diverse group. When it comes to COSO ERM, Indian organisations show a wide range of adoption, indicating that the journey for ERM adoption in Indian organisations is just getting started. A similar finding from Gupta (2011) found that only 6% of organisations had finished implementing ERM to its fullest extent. ERM policy formulation, appointment of a CRO, risk identification, and preparation of risk mitigation plans appear to be the most popular practises for risk management at this point in time.
Using principal components analysis on the gathered data, three orthogonal groups of risk management practises can be extracted. Structure for risk management, risk management records, and risk management activities are all part of risk management. A company's ERM practises can be gauged by these three components, with minimal data loss. Public sector organisations have a better risk management structure than private sector organisations, while private sector organisations excel in risk management activities. More sophisticated practises are evident in all three components of the service sector, particularly in Structure and Record keeping. There is no correlation between the size of an organisation and its risk management practises, as expected. Practiced managers can compare their risk management methods with those used in the service, public, and private sectors.
Risk management practises were found to be influenced by organisational maturity. To a lesser extent, corporate planning and review appear to influence risk management record keeping. A culture of competition and performance, as well as boldness, reducing uncertainty avoidance, and increasing the frequency of performance monitoring are all good ways to improve risk management record keeping. The presence of internal audits is likely to have an impact on Structure for Risk Management, among other things. Possibly, the findings of the internal audit prompt the top management to implement formal risk management, whose first step is to establish a framework for doing so.
The structure is only marginally affected by the presence of MIS and ERP.Finally, TQM and Six Sigma, as well as MIS and ERP, have an impact on risk management activities. From this, one can deduce that these two dimensions of organisational maturity provide a platform for the execution of ground-level activities, such as risk mitigation plans, risk owners identification and risk mitigation plans training. A quality management system didn't appear to enable or inhibit risk management practises.
Many ERM practises differ between industries and between organisations of varying maturity, based on the responses of 106 senior executives from 36 companies. When compared to private sector organisations, public sector organisations have a clearly defined risk management structure. When it comes to risk management, service sector organisations are more methodical than those in the non-service sector. Prima facie, the ERM practises used are unaffected by the size of the organisation as measured by market capital.
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