International Finance, Accounting and Business Corporate

NL Srinivasan - Accounting and Business Corporate (February 2 …, 2022 -
NL Srinivasan
Accounting and Business Corporate (February 2, 2022). Management …,
… This article explains how to avoid business scandals, fraud, and the organization's potential
civil and criminal culpability. It is a corporate positive governance image that improves a
company's reputation and makes it much better for investors, customers, and suppliers. …
According to the Cadbury Committee in connection with the Maxwell pension scandal, we
recognized that corporate governance was not a new concept at all and that people had
recognized the significance of corporate governance, that is, responsibility in the management …
This article explains how to avoid business scandals, fraud, and the organization's potential civil and criminal culpability. It is a corporate positive governance image that improves a company's reputation and makes it much better for investors, customers, and suppliers.
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